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What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves supplementing hormones that decline with age to optimal levels with plant-based hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced by the human body. This allows the hormones to integrate seamlessly into the body's complex hormonal feedback systems.

BHRT effectively alleviates unpleasant menopausal symptoms in women and andropause symptoms in men, restoring wellbeing and quality of life. It also has protective effects against various age-related diseases.

When administered correctly by a qualified practitioner, BHRT is extremely safe and free of major side effects. It can truly transform lives through the power of balanced hormone levels.

Why Hormone Levels Decline As We Age

Hormone production peaks in our late teens and early 20s. From our mid-20s onwards, levels of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid, growth hormone, and melatonin start to decrease.

There are several reasons this occurs:

  • Exhaustion of hormone-producing glands
  • Accumulation of inflammatory factors
  • Poor lifestyle choices
  • Chronic stress
  • Environmental toxins

This decline is responsible for the unpleasant symptoms and increased disease risk as we get older. BHRT can essentially turn back the clock!

Our Services

Act now to restore your health with bioidentical hormone therapy.

Key Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Balancing hormones with BHRT provides extensive health and wellness benefits:

Alleviation of Menopausal and Andropausal Symptoms

BHRT is highly effective at eliminating issues like:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Loss of motivation
  • Mental fog and memory lapses
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Weight gain and altered fat distribution
  • Lack of energy
  • Low libido

Optimized Wellbeing and Vitality

Correcting hormone deficits restores vigor and an overall sense of wellbeing. Patients report:

  • Mood and cognitive improvements
  • Increased energy
  • Enhanced work performance
  • Improved sleep
  • Healthy libido and sexual function

Weight Management

Balanced hormones facilitate weight loss in overweight individuals by:

  • Increasing base metabolic rate
  • Reducing appetite and cravings
  • Optimizing fat burning

In lean individuals, it helps modulate body composition and prevents undesirable changes.

Health Protective Effects

Hormone optimization has protective benefits against:

  • Osteoporosis - via improved bone mineral density
  • Heart disease - through positive impacts on blood lipids, blood pressure, and oxidative stress
  • Type 2 diabetes - by reducing insulin resistance
  • Alzheimer's disease - owing to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Some cancers - such as prostate, breast and ovarian cancers

It also slows aspects of the aging process itself!

Additional Benefits

Patients further note enhancements in:

  • Exercise tolerance and fitness
  • Skin, hair and nail quality
  • Healing capacity
  • Eyesight
  • Oral health

So BHRT has wide ranging positive effects on both health and quality of life!

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical replicas of endogenous human hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

They are synthesized from plant compounds called steroidal sapogenins found in soybeans and wild yams. Their physiological effects mimic natural hormones exactly.

Traditional synthetic hormones are quite different in structure from human hormones. This causes increased side effects and reduces effectiveness.

So for hormone replacement, bioidentical options are far superior.

There are many different types of bioidentical hormone preparations available for replacement therapy:



  • Progesterone


  • Testosterone
  • DHEA

These can be administered orally, transdermally, as pellets or injectables. Combinations may be used to optimally balance hormones.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Careful diagnosis of existing hormone deficits through blood tests is crucial prior to commencing BHRT. Key parameters assessed are:

  • Estrogen levels - estradiol, estriol, estrone
  • Progesterone levels
  • Testosterone levels - total and free testosterone
  • Thyroid hormone levels - T3, T4, TSH
  • DHEA sulphate levels
  • Vitamin D and vitamin B12 status
  • Blood cell counts
  • Liver enzymes
  • Lipid profiles
  • Blood glucose and HbA1c
  • Cortisol and melatonin levels

Saliva tests may additionally be used to examine bioavailable hormone levels.

These biomarkers pinpoint specific deficiencies to target with replacement dosages.

Follow up tests are performed periodically to ensure optimal hormone balance is achieved and maintained long-term.

Try balance your hormones, restore your health.

Choosing a Qualified BHRT Practitioner

Not all physicians have specialized expertise in BHRT, so it's crucial to pick one with the right qualifications including:

  • Advanced training in bioidentical hormone therapy
  • Ongoing education on the latest scientific advances
  • In-depth knowledge of the complex interactions between hormones
  • Diagnostic skills to accurately interpret hormone tests
  • Clinical experience determining optimal hormone combinations and dosages
  • Understanding of the importance of regular patient follow-ups

Our practitioners at Renew Wellness Clinic in Waukegan satisfy all the above criteria. They stay abreast of cutting-edge BHRT developments and constantly enhance their knowledge.

So for the best chance of treatment success, choose Renew Wellness Clinic!

Innovations in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

The field of bioidentical hormone therapy is fast-moving with new and improved approaches continually emerging.

Cutting-edge innovations scientists are working on include:

  • Longer acting hormones for less frequent dosing
  • New drug delivery methods - oral, intranasal, transdermal
  • Modified release profiles
  • Enhanced receptor targeting
  • More selective hormone analogues
  • Novel combination products
  • Integrated testing with adjustment algorithms

Our team keeps track of promising research so we can provide patients with the latest and most convenient treatment options for their needs.

For instance, Renew Wellness Clinic offers a special long acting testosterone preparation requiring only quarterly injections. This steady delivery avoids fluctuations seen with shorter acting injections or gels.

Hormone Replacement Administration Methods

There are multiple options for delivering bioidentical hormones:

Method Examples Pros Cons
Oral Capsules, tablets Convenient, non-invasive First pass liver metabolism
Transdermal Gels, creams, patches Steady absorption, avoidance of first pass metabolism Skin irritation possible
Injections Testosterone, estradiol etc Most physiological delivery. Avoidance of first pass metabolism Invasive. Frequency varies
Pellets Testosterone, estradiol Long action (months). Steady delivery Minor surgery required

The best choice depends on the patient's lifestyle, preferences and specific hormone deficits. We personalize delivery methods to individual needs at Renew Wellness Clinic.

For testosterone, our innovative long acting injection lasting 16 weeks is extremely popular. This balances male hormone levels evenly without hassle.

Practical Tips For Starting Bioidentical HRT

Here is some guidance if commencing BHRT:

Adjust lifestyle:

  • Improve diet - maximize anti-inflammatory foods
  • Reduce alcohol which impairs hormone balance
  • Have good sleep hygiene
  • Employ stress management techniques
  • If overweight, embark on a weight loss program

Support hormone action:

  • Engage in regular exercise to enhance hormone receptor sensitivity
  • Get sufficient vitamin D from sunshine or supplementation
  • Take key micronutrients like zinc and magnesium which facilitate hormone function

Aid detoxification:

  • Stay hydrated to flush out toxins
  • Consider periodic detox protocols to reduce toxin interference with hormones

Use medication reminders:

  • Note on your calendar injection or patch change dates
  • Set phone alerts for oral regimens

Following these steps augments treatment success! Our staff provide further personalized guidance on optimizing results.

The Bigger Picture - Hormones and Longevity

Bioidentical HRT is at the cutting-edge of the new field of anti-aging medicine - focused on increasing the healthy human lifespan.

Research reveals balancing hormones can significantly slow the aging process and reduce risk of age-related disease. For example:

  • Telomeres - the protective caps on DNA strands - shorten more slowly with optimal hormones. Short telomeres underlie cellular aging.
  • Key anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory genetic pathways are amplified by balanced hormone levels. These prevent oxidative damage and inflammation - drivers of aging.
  • Mitochondrial function - the powerhouses energizing cells - is enhanced by youthful hormone levels. Mitochondrial dysfunction accelerates aging.

So maintaining a hormonal profile characteristic of early adulthood facilitates longevity!

Renew Wellness Clinic provides complete anti-aging solutions incorporating personalized bioidentical hormone replacement together with genetics, nutrigenomics, and lifestyle medicine.

Inspiring Success Stories

Countless individuals have experienced incredible benefits from bioidentical hormone therapy.

Here are some examples:

Maria, 57

  • Suffered severe menopausal symptoms - night sweats, insomnia, memory issues after hysterectomy
  • Failed traditional HRT due to side effects
  • Commenced specialized bioidentical therapy
  • Symptoms resolved in 4 weeks
  • Feels better than she has in 15 years -"It's truly been life changing!"

Michael, 52

  • Diagnosed with depression and erectile dysfunction
  • Testosterone level low at 32 nmol/L (normal >15)
  • Received testosterone pellet implants
  • Depression lifted rapidly
  • Reports greatly increased energy, libido and less anxiety
  • "I have my life back thanks to bioidentical testosterone!"

Lucy, 62

  • Menopausal onset at 58 brought severe hot flashes and fatigue
  • Hated effects of conventional HRT - weight gain and nausea
  • Switched to custom bioidentical estrogen/progesterone
  • Symptoms disappeared quickly
  • Enjoys new found zest for life!

Like Maria, Michael and Lucy, you too can benefit immensely from expertly tailored bioidentical hormone therapy at Renew Wellness Clinic in Waukegan, IL.


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a safe and effective way to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and andropause, while also providing numerous health benefits and potentially slowing the aging process itself. By working with qualified practitioners at a reputable clinic like Renew Wellness Clinic, you can restore optimal hormone balance and regain your vitality, wellbeing, and quality of life.

At Renew Wellness Clinic, our practitioners stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in BHRT and offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. We prioritize patient education and ongoing support to ensure successful outcomes.

If you're experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance or simply want to proactively support your health as you age, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at Renew Wellness Clinic today. Our team is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best at every stage of life.

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